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Welcome to Askania Travel!
I offer a unique tiered reward booking model that benefits you the more you travel.
The structure is divided into four categories: Basic, Light, Premium, and Luxury, all designed to provide increasing benefits as you invest more in your travel experiences with us.
- Basic: This is your entry point as a new client. For a service fee of €49.99 per vacation, you'll receive personalized advice and services. As your travel expenditure exceeds €2,500 within a year, you will be offered a free upgrade to the Light category for the current and following business year, reducing your service fees on future bookings.
- Light: This category comes into effect once your annual travel bookings exceed €5,000. As a Light client, you'll enjoy reduced prices and extended services, with a lower service fee of €24.99 per vacation. Once your travel expenditure exceeds €10,000, you'll be offered a free upgrade to the Premium category.
- Premium: For our clients whose annual bookings exceed €10,000, we offer the Premium tier. Here, you'll enjoy even greater benefits, including fast inquiry processing and 24/7 WhatsApp chat support while travelling. The service fee for Premium clients is significantly reduced further.
- Luxury: This category is for those whose annual bookings exceed €19,000. We encourage you to reach out to us for more details on the exceptional benefits that come with this category.
Further Details:
You can also access LIGHT, if you pay a yearly fee of 180-€ or a monthly rate of 15,-€
(waived once a booking value of 1500€ is reached!).
If you travel for more than 5000€, you will be offered a free upgrade to the PREMIUM package for the current and following business year. (2000,-€ for customers outside of Saxony-Anhalt)
A general service fee of 24.99,-€ applies per booking and process, but it will be waived once the travel price (flight and hotel) reaches 1500€
A general processing fee of 24.99,-€ applies for any additional services or changes to existing arrangements, additional fees from service providers may apply.
10.99,-€ per additional service in an existing booking (e.g. rental car, long-distance bus)
15,-€ for in-home visit, plus 0.30,-€ per km (only in Saxony-Anhalt!)
5.99,-€ for a personal 30-minute online or phone consultation slot, available weekdays between 10:00 am - 5:00 pm CET.
In the PREMIUM category you get:
- discounted prices
- extended scope of services
- fast inquiry processing
- 24/7 WhatsApp chat support while travelling*
- Advantage program
*Able to be requested in the booking for an additional fee!
A yearly fee of 660,-€ or a monthly rate of 55,-€ applies
(waived for customers outside of Saxony-Anhalt as in-home visits are not possible and once a booking value of 10,000,-€ is reached for the current and following business year)
A general service fee of 10,-€ applies per booking and process, but it will be waived once the travel price (flight and hotel) reaches 2000€
A general processing fee of 24.99,-€ applies for any additional services or changes to existing arrangements, additional fees from service providers may apply.
10.99,-€ per additional service in an existing booking (e.g. rental car, long-distance bus)
15,-€ for in-home visit, plus 0.30,-€ per km (only in Saxony-Anhalt!)
199,-€ daily flat rate - virtual travel counselor (for consultation-intensive trips and events, such as weddings, honeymoons, group trips, etc) by appointment.
Extended customer support weekdays 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, weekends and holidays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
For more details and the other categories please get in touch!
Our services are exclusively provided within the framework of german law for travel services (§ 675 BGB)!
For more information, please visit our Fiverr Page or get in touch today via social media, phone or E-mail! (Clients outside of Germany are handled via Fiverr, as a measurement for fraud prevention!)
Mon.-Fri. 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. CET
Sat. Sun. & Holidays closed!
Prices & Services
As you progress as our client, you access better prices...
the categories are:
BASIS (book for 2500,-€) -> LIGHT (book for 5000,-€) ->
PREMIUM (10.000) -> LUXURY (19.000,-€)
You start as a BASIS client, where we take a Service Fee of:
49.99,-€ per vacation
24.99,-€ per secundary services (tickets, Rental Car etc..)
A general service fee of 49.99,-€ applies per booking and process, but it will be waived if booked directly through our website's booking request with a click on "submit request"
A general processing fee of 24.99,-€ applies for all additional services for the booked trip and smaller services as agreed upon (such as visa application, filling out documents, marketing services (hourly rate), and any subsequent changes to existing arrangements, additional fees from service providers may apply for changes, amendments, or cancellations of existing trips and services).
If you travel for more than 2500€, you will be offered a free upgrade to the LIGHT package for the current and following business year!
In the other packages, LIGHT, PREMIUM, LUXURY and Business, you will receive discounts and special benefits as a package-bound customer.*
LIGHT clients have the following benefits:
- reduced prices and, extended scope of services
- Home visits possible
- Bonus points program
24.99,-€ per vacation
10.99,-€ per secundary services (tickets, Rental Car etc..)